
About Me

I have been involved in the gun business as a manufacturer, importer, wholesaler, retailer, and safety instructor since 1964.  I have also been a member of the NRA since 1955 and am currently a Patriot Life Benefactor member, which means that I give them enough money that they can’t expel me no matter what I say.

I have been writing about guns and gun violence since July 2012 when I learned that the NRA was trying to pass legislation in Florida that would have criminalized physicians who talked to patients about gun risk. I have subsequently published over 1,600 blogs on my website (www.mikethegunguy.social), have been profiled in The New York Times (Opinion | Guns and Public Health – The New York Times (nytimes.com) and The New Yorker Magazine (Mike Weisser Talks to Evan Osnos About the N.R.A. | The New Yorker), have self-published 11 books on guns (Amazon.com: Michael R. Weisser: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle) and 9 scholarly articles on SSRN (SSRN Electronic Library).

I have been a consultant with Brady, Everytown, Giffords, and other gun-control organizations, as well as with national law firms that litigate gun issues. I have also worked extensively with the public health gun researchers at Harvard and Johns Hopkins. Finally, I organized and ran the only two CME-accredited conferences on gun violence, the first in Boston in 2014, the second in Chicago in 2016, the latter conference was funded by the Joyce Foundation.              

I have given the required gun-safety course to over 7,000 residents of Massachusetts and Connecticut and currently earn my living by supervising lethal-force qualifications by municipal, state, and federal law-enforcement officers